Did you know that the right self-care activities can improve your mental health?
The state of our mental health affects every other area of our lives. It affects our ability to show up fully at work, at home, and in our social circles.
In many ways, it is the glue that connects the different parts of our identity. I imagine you know these things but isn’t it funny how we know our mental health matters, yet we do not always prioritise it.
We agree that self-care and self-love matter, but in a bid not to look like the self-care extremists, we end up ignoring how we feel on the inside.
Thankfully, this is a new year and an incredible opportunity to invest in your mental health by incorporating great self-care ideas and activities.

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What is Self-Care?
Self-care can be defined as the intentional acts and choices we take to refresh and rejuvenate our body, mind, and our soul.
It is about loving who we are right now, while also taking steps to live the kind of life that brings out the best in us.
Self-care is not a one-off activity but a continuous process of choosing what’s best for us amid a distracted and pressure driven world.
With this knowledge, here are 10 self-care ideas that will have you living a happier and more fulfilling life.
- Mind Your Business.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
The Serenity Prayer
Stop trying to get into everyone’s business. Focus on your own, your growth, your peace, and your contentment. See, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the things happening around us, especially with social media.
Just today, I almost got caught in some drama amongst some Christian influencers who were taking sides on a controversial topic. The internet is filled with juicy gossip at any given time.
Avoid this!
If it’s not your business, and you genuinely do not have anything to contribute, then you should keep things moving.
2. Say “No” more often.
One of the hardest words to express in the English language (or any other language for that matter) is “No”.
We often struggle with this for different reasons. For some of us, it was a conditioning we received as children that people who say yes to requests and are available to people are more liked than those who say no.
Even now, you may hear a mum telling her daughter, “that’s not nice” when the girl refuses an expected demand. This must be why our generation struggles with “people pleasing”.
I love the way Seth Godin, the writer and marketing guru explains this:
“You can say no with respect, you can say no promptly, and you can say no with a lead to someone who might say yes. But just saying yes because you can’t bear the short-term pain of saying no is not going to help you do the work.”
Seth Godin
2.2. Be kind not Nice.
This a sub-part of No.2. I read interesting research that shows one of the root causes of social anxiety stems from people feeling burdened by the expectations of others and a fear of being humiliated or rejected by these people.
You may be wondering if there is a difference between being nice and being kind.
A kind person loves people but has healthy boundaries that they protect. While a nice person barely has any boundaries, they are often concerned about how they are perceived by others, so will often go against what right or good for them to please others.
3. Move your body
Exercise is an incredible way to increase you the feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine, and reduce the stress hormones like cortisol . Movement doesn’t have to be complicated, but the idea is to encourage some level of exercise wherever you may be – at home, work or even on plane.
This means investing in the tools and resources that can allow you workout from almost anywhere.
For instance, you can use resistance bands, stress balls, and even small weights. Another option is to go for a walk. I talk a bit about this here.
4. Counter your negative self-talk.
How do you talk to yourself?
The words you use matter. You may think it doesn’t matter but history has shown that actions and choices reflect our thoughts.
So, if you’re dwell in negativity, it will reflect in what you say and do.
“The Key to failure is the repetition of a belief in failure. Negative self-talk is the repetition of a belief in failure.”
Shad Helmstetter, Negative Self-Talk and How to Change it.
This is the same if you welcome self-sabotage, fear, and anxiety. They will gladly make room in your mind and influence the things you say and do. Affirmations are a great way to counter negative self-talk.
But you can go a step further by delving into your identity – how you see yourself and why you do.
Sessions with a good therapist or counsellor can help with this.
5. Take mini retreats.
Mini retreats can range from a few hours to a few days.
They are an intentional though momentary break from the constant stresses of life. This simply means taking opportunities to decompress and refresh.
For you, it might be going offline, staying indoors or traveling to the countryside.
Recently, I started a monthly retreat, where I take 1-2 days offline. This has been so good for my mental health. It has allowed me to redirect my heart and mind to the things that actually matter, and I usually feel refreshed and more energised after each session.
6. Nurture healthy relationships.
You know that saying that ‘No man is an island’, it was one of those annoying yet true statements. We were created for community, but not everyone is supposed to be in this community.
I advocate for having a small, close-knit group of friends/family that you build and share your life with.
These relationships will generally increase the texture and quality of your life. Such relationships should be fuelled by mutual respect, love, and fairness.
Though you must remember to maintain healthy boundaries, at all times.

7. Make plans and follow through.
This may seem obvious, but I have realised that one of the best ways we can express love and care for ourselves is to desire to be a better version.
Not in an obsessive manner, but with an understanding that our lives are lived forward; with grace, love, and courage.
And one of the ways to do this is to hold ourselves accountable to the things we want to do.
8. Curate your space
Who you follow, what you watch, and who you hang out with all have an impact on the quality of your life and how fast you grow.
One of the best ways to express self-love is to curate your environment, both online and offline.
Avoid the tendency to make excuses or procrastinate.
One of my favourite self-care and mental health quotes is from the Book of Proverbs which says:
“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it springs the issues of life.”
Proverbs 4:23
A woman who can guard her heart can transform her life.
9. Try Daily Journaling
Journal is truly a game changing self-care idea. It’s probably the 9th wonder of the world (compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world according to Albert Einstein).
Journaling is a great self-care activity and one of the best ways to process your emotions and identify how you’re feeling at any given time.
You can try different types of journaling to improve your mood:
- Gratitude journaling
- Bullet journaling
- Food/Health journaling, and even
- Reflective journaling
10. Get professional help, where needed
What do you consume on a daily basis? Do you find that when you’re struggling with something, you hope for the best without really changing anything.
I am learning that the things we feed our bodies, minds, and souls matter. Here is how this author puts it:
“…what you feed yourself with, will eventually grow, whether be good or bad, it will grow. It will affect your entire mood, environment, and the way of thinking. Most of all, it will affect the entire outcome of your today. (not to mention your tomorrow).”
Rafael Garcia
Here’s the thing, you need to get the help you need.
This may be therapy, coaching, fitness, accountability, etc. You are in the best position to determine what sort of assistance you need.
Therapy is not a curse neither is it our saviour, but it is an important channel for processing our emotions and going into active healing of past wounds and hurts.
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